Ride Guidelines
Cape York HOG (CYH) has a number of Ride Guidelines that are used for to provide a safe and friendly riding environment for members, visitors and guests. Visitors and guests are welcome to join club rides.
All members, visitors and guests attending a club ride are to observe these Guidelines.
ROAD CAPTAIN AND TAIL END CHARLIE: A Road Captain and Tail End Charlie will be nominated for all official Club rides.
FUEL: Arrive at departure point with a full fuel tank.
ROADWORTHY: All motorcycles are to be in a roadworthy condition.
VISITORS AND GUESTS: Visitors and Guests are to be accompanied by a CYH Member.
BE RESPONSIBLE: All riders are to ride responsibly and within their own ability. Riders are to observe all Queensland State Road Rules and practice appropriate road craft for all riding conditions.
RIDING POSITION: Riding positions should be staggered behind the Road Captain with a safe riding distance of a least a three second interval to be observed between riders.
PASSING THE ROAD CAPTAIN: The Road Captain is not to be overtaken at any time during the ride.
BUDDY UP: Keep an eye out for the rider behind. If they drop back, do the same so that by the time all riders in front have slowed down, the message will reach the Road Captain that there may be trouble somewhere down the line.
CORNER MARKING: A corner marker will be nominated at the discretion of the Road Captain. When safe to do so, the Corner Marker is to wait at the appropriate corner out of the way of traffic with a turn signal flashing to indicate the route to be taken. When you come to a corner and there is no corner marker you should out of courtesy wait to see the following rider appear so that rider can see the route to be taken.
OVERTAKING ON THE LEFT: Under no circumstances are riders to overtake on the left of another rider within the same lane unless in an emergency.
OTHER ROAD USERS: Roads are not be monopolised to the detriment of other road users.
LEAVING THE RIDE EARLY: Riders wishing to leave the early are to notify the Road Captain or Tail End
Charlie prior to leaving.
RIDE & EVENT ATTENDANCE SHEET: The Club Ride & Attendance sheet is the responsibility of and is to be maintained by the Road Captain for each official Club ride and for official events, the Chief Organiser.
The following details are to be notated:
a) Rider,
b) Pillion,
c) Motorcycle Registration number,
d) Riders mobile number,
e) Emergency contact name and telephone number,
f) If a rider is carrying a First Aid Kit, and
g) If the Personal Locator Beacon is carried on the ride.
i Amended 17/02/2021